Sustainability Blog
Is that plastic cup really getting recycled?“The perception that plastic is easily recyclable — and that the burden of recycling lies solely with the consumer — has been shaped by decades of carefully constructed campaigns paid for by many of the most prevalent producers of plastic.” –Christopher Marquis for Forbes Magazine.It was Earth Day 1971 when a compelling public service announcement calling for environmental stewardship and featuring a grim Native American gentleman decked out in full buck-skinned splendor took to the airwaves. The minute-long advertisement, produced by a group calling themselves Keep America Beautiful (KAB), depicted an indigenous man slowly paddling […]
Read MorePhoto by Jeremy Bishop “There is no such thing as ‘away.’ When we throw anything away, it must go somewhere.” –Annie Leonard, co-executive director of Greenpeace-USA Cream Bean Berry founder and owner Katie Burford had a dilemma regarding how best to serve up her crazy delicious, homemade artisanal ice cream to customers in Durango, Colorado, in the most environmentally friendly and minimal-waste possible way. Of course, those who ordered edible containers, such as the cake, sugar, and waffle cones, eliminated the issue. But those customers who wanted disposable cups and spoons for their scoops of ice cream and milkshakes […]
Read MoreWhat better time than during the holiday season to inspire friends and family with new sustainability habits through gift-giving. In our humble opinion the best gifts truly are experiences. First consider purchasing a (or making your own!) gift certificate to your favorite local spa for an organic facial or a massage, a special weekend getaway, a picnic and a day hike soaking up nature, an evening out at your favorite local restaurant, or homemade holiday cards, crafts, or baked goods made by the kids. Let’s keep the holidays connected to our family and friends, joy and love, and avoid the […]
Read MoreThe Holiday Season is Here! Gift-giving is a thoughtful way to inspire new sustainability habits through a product or experience that has a story. In our opinion the best gifts are experiences. Consider first purchasing a (or making your own!) gift certificate to your favorite local spa for an organic facial or massage, a special a weekend away, a picnic and a day hike in nature, a night out at your favorite local restaurant, or homemade cards, crafts, and baked goods made by the kids. Let’s keep the holidays connected to family and friends, joy and love, and stay away […]
Read MoreBy Kathleen O’Connor with sustainable innovation additions by Claire Attkisson “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall Let’s talk about plastic. As I glance around my home office, I notice it all around me: the various pens on my desk, the lens caps on my binoculars, my sparkly phone case, the leftover Lego bricks on the floor from my son’s impromptu building project, and in my laptop as I type. But, of course, a stroll down any aisle in your local grocery store will aptly […]
Read MoreJeans with rips, tears, and holes are all the rage these days. This trend suggests that we may be ready to wear actual used clothing with real patches. Can marketers move brands into this realm, turning patches that extend the life of a product from a signal of low-class to a signal of care? “Built to last” used to be Ford’s tag-line; ironically however, this brilliant slogan didn’t last as the 1980’s ushered in “planned obsolescence” as a signal of “progress”. And now we’re all traumatized by the wasteful “fast fashion” movement so prevalent today, as more clothes are incinerated […]
Read MoreGuest Blog by Anaïs Passera of Grown.Bio with an update by Claire Attkisson Carbon is not the problem. Carbon is not the enemy. Carbon is a key building block of all life. It belongs. It belongs in our soil. It belongs in our bodies. It does NOT belong in such huge quantities in our atmosphere and air. This may sound insane at first. You see, sustainability has a narrative problem. The sustainability community focuses on the “moral” narrative too much and at our peril: “do good”; “be less bad” ;“do the right thing”; “zero carbon”; “net zero”….It’s easy to get […]
Read MoreHow can we re-design a food system that supports farmers and the land, is truly healthy, and results in a life-supporting local and global economy poised to feed billions? We’re amazed at what we found out researching these questions. Human innovation, ingenuity, and creativity seem to thrive when times are tough, and we finally recognize natures design constraints. Our blog this month shares cool stories of revolutionary food innovations sprouting up across the globe that are beginning to define a sustainable food paradigm by addressing world hunger, climate change, and turn food deserts into abundant nutrient oasis’…it’s happening, people! Growing […]
Read MoreFall is here, and so are our October desktop backgrounds! We hope you find a little joy in this month’s selection, featuring moody colors, playful graphics, and intricate designs. Happy Autumn to our wonderful Live Creative community! Download October Background Download Music Background Download Velvet Wallpaper Background Download Organizer Background Live Creative is a sustainable business, marketing, and shopping hub. Our Creative Studio offers authentic marketing, branding, and sustainable business expertise to ethical, sustainable, and purpose brands. And Sustainable Business Team offers sustainability strategy and goals setting as well as sustainable packaging services. And, our Lifestyle Team curates our global Sustainable Marketplace, the Durango Sustainable […]
Read MoreIt’s time for all businesses to do their part to change business for good and create a climate positive plan of action. Small business to large corporations all need to play a role in decarbonization (i.e. eliminating Green House Gases (GHG’s) and the use of fossil fuels in their operations, ditto for their suppliers, in shipping, packaging, and product material inputs) over the next 10+ years to thwart catastrophic climate change. The good news is that we have solutions. Business solutions such as, carbon offsets (i.e. tree planting; deforestation investing, etc. solar farms); redesigning fossil fuels out of our product […]
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